Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Free Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Wipe


Here is one of the few occasions where you can actually get toilet paper for free. What I'm thinking is that they will likely ship out one roll of toilet paper to you because that's how it was for other free toilet paper promotions I've participated in before. However, there is always a slight chance where they only send you a few squares. I'm hoping not but I'm not sure. It's still free toilet paper so you should go for it. And it's actually part of a kit so you may be some wet wipes in there as well.

You will have to make an account with them in order to participate in this freebie giveaway but the account is free and you do not get emails unless you opt in for them. I either never opted in or I purposely opted out so it's never been a problem for me.

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