Friday, February 20, 2015

Free Purina Pro Plan Dog Food

I've posted a few offers that are for cat owners but here's one for you dog owners out there. Purina is having a promotion for people to try out their Pro Plan line of dog food. The food is suppose to be tailored to the type of dog you have. The site will ask you a series of questions such as your dog's size, age, eating habits, exercise level, etc. and recommend a specific plan for your dog. You will then get an email with a rebate form that you can use on a 4-6 lbs bag of dog food (up to $18.99).

What you will do first is purchase a bag of Purina Pro Plan dog food, 4-6lbs, less than $18.99. You then head on over to the link in the email they send you and fill it. You can do the rebate online or through the mail. Online is best cause it's faster and you don't have to pay for paper, envelope, or stamp. It's more reliable too. However, if you use the online option, you will have to have the ability to either scan or take a picture of the UPC or receipt showing proof of purchase. If you are unable to do that, you will have to physically mail your receipt to them. After that, just wait 6-8 weeks and you should get a check reimbursing you  for the price of the dog food. Keep in mind that tax is never included so you will just get back the original price of the food.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Free Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Wipe

Here is one of the few occasions where you can actually get toilet paper for free. What I'm thinking is that they will likely ship out one roll of toilet paper to you because that's how it was for other free toilet paper promotions I've participated in before. However, there is always a slight chance where they only send you a few squares. I'm hoping not but I'm not sure. It's still free toilet paper so you should go for it. And it's actually part of a kit so you may be some wet wipes in there as well.

You will have to make an account with them in order to participate in this freebie giveaway but the account is free and you do not get emails unless you opt in for them. I either never opted in or I purposely opted out so it's never been a problem for me.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Free Truvia Sample - Zero Calorie Sweetener

Have you heard of Stevia? It's a relatively new and natural sweetener that is said to be healthier than older artificial sweeteners that have been on the market. For instance, aspartame aka Equal aka the little blue packet of fake sugar, can chemically be converted to formaldehyde in your body and formaldehyde is know to be a neurotoxin.  Saccharin, aka Sweet N' Low aka the little pink packet of fake sugar, is actually derived from petroleum, the same stuff that gasoline is made out of. Do you want to eat a petroleum derivative? So if you're looking to cut down on carbs but don't want something so creepy like petroleum and formaldehyde, try Stevia. There are multiple companies making Stevia and this one, Truvia, is giving away a free sample so you can see if you like the taste or not.


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