Saturday, July 18, 2015

Free Virtual Reality Goggles

Well, these aren't the traditional goggles that you're use to; it's really just a box. But what it's meant to do is hold your device in front of your eyes while it's running a virtual reality app (available from your devices' app market). You can request one at and try it out. Fill out the form and then check you email so that you can confirm your order. The goggles are currently on back order due to a high volume of requests but you should hear from them in about 3-4 weeks.


SwissGear Backpack Only $8

Office Depot and Office Max (who are now the same company) are having a sale from July 19-25. These SwissGear backpacks that are normally $35.99 are only $10 now. If you order them online and put in coupon code 54045238, it's suppose to drop your total to only $8. Make sure you choose store pickup so you don't have to pay for shipping. These are great for any age. You don't need to go to school to need a backpack. They look pretty cool too with different color accents.

Free Zing Sweetner

Have you heard of Stevia? It's a relatively new and natural sweetener that is said to be healthier than older artificial sweeteners that have been on the market. For instance, aspartame aka Equal aka the little blue packet of fake sugar, can chemically be converted to formaldehyde in your body and formaldehyde is know to be a neurotoxin. Saccharin, aka Sweet N' Low aka the little pink packet of fake sugar, is actually derived from petroleum, the same stuff that gasoline is made out of. So if you're looking to cut down on carbs but don't want something creepy like petroleum and formaldehyde, try Stevia. There are multiple companies making Stevia and this one, Zing, is giving away a free sample of theirs. Just fill out the form on their site and you will get about 2 packets of it in your mail.


Snickers Bars $0.45ea

Snickers deal! Works best at Target but if you can't get to a Target, it does work at other stores. Only issue is that it might be more expensive at other stores. The link for the coupon leads to their Facebook promo page. Follow the instructions to get your coupon!

 $1.78 = (2) $0.89 = Buy 2 Snickers bars at Target
 $0.89 for 2 Snickers bars = $0.45 each.

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