Sunday, June 28, 2015

Free Snacks at CVS


CVS is selling Gold Emblem snacks for as low as $1. I went yesterday and found a bag of potato chips for $1 only. Combine that price with the 2 coupons shown above and you got yourself free food!

Head over to this site here and look for the two coupons. If it's hard to find them at first, go to Categories and select Food; that should make them jump right to the top. Select them and print them out. Make sure they say grocery or snack on them. There are 2 other ones that are specifically for nuts and those will not work so make sure you print out the right ones.

Here's an extra tip: Once you print them out the first time, they will look like they disappeared. However, you can actually print 2 coupons per computer. What you will have to do to print them again is scroll down to the bottom until you see the blue Show More Coupons button. You are going to keep pressing that button until all 200+ coupons are loaded up on your screen. At that time, you should see the right Gold Emblem coupons again at the bottom. If you can't located them, just Ctrl+F to find them.

Finally, go to CVS and stock up your basket with your bags of $1 snacks and those coupons should reduce your total down to $0. Let me know if you need help.

  $2 = 2($1) = 2 bags of snacks, each for $1
-$2 = 2(-$1) or  1 (-$2)
 $0 = Free food!!!

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